Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well, I am finally sitting down to tell all!

My Dad once told me that if there is something you can do about a situation then pray and do it! If you can't do anything about it...then just PRAY! Well since November 19, 2010, I have been doing nothing but that, PRAYING. Our lives took such a crazy spin in a split second and life we as we knew it changed. To try and explain to everyone the emotional roller coaster that came in the next few seconds is just beyond my ability but I will say that it started with a great sadness, then moved on to a sense of relief, briefly hit on a surge of excitement , and then the most unbelievable, overwhelming wave of peace that has never left since!

Meanwhile, in another parallel universe in a town known as Macon, Georgia, Mercer University's President Bill Underwood and Athletic Director Jim Cole were holding a press conference stating that they were resuming the football program there and that they were going to search for someone with strong ties to the state of Georgia, an upstanding track record in the game of football, someone with strong character, and someone who puts academics over athletics. Would any of us at this time even guess that 63 days later their perfect coach would be Bobby Lamb?

When we looked at our possiblities at the beginning, we had it narrowed down to 4 places. Samford as Offensive Coordinator, Gardner Webb, UNC-Charlotte, and Mercer as Head Coach. Samford wasn't our first choice because Bobby wanted to remain a Head Coach. So, we are down to three. We took our name out of the Gardner Webb job because of some professional reasons. That leaves UNC-Charlotte and Mercer and man, was God  screaming Mercer at us. Every hesitation that we might have had God laughed and took care of it. Everything that might have been a deal breaker or an obstacle, God provided the path through the door! He has been so faithful! Even in the little details...even down to when my dog went into heat (that's another blog!) One blessing is that Sallie will be able to keep the tuition exchange scholarship due to the fact that Mercer is on the same list as Furman. This meant alot to Sallie! Another detail that He worked out is Taylor going to Calhoun. Taylor has said since he was in grade school how he wished he could play for his Uncle Hal and go to Calhoun High School. His cousin, Ben (a receiver), and him dreamed of making another Lamb to Lamb connection just like their dads did in high school to win a State Championship. I always told Taylor, if that was to come true, then he better ask God because the likelihood of that dream becoming reality was next to none. Well, from Taylor's lips to God's ears! Taylor will enroll into Calhoun at the end of February after Greer is finished with their run at basketball. We will be taking up residency in Calhoun for 2 years and Bobby will commute to Macon and recruit out of our home in Calhoun. Mercer doesn't play their first game until 2013, giving us time before we feel like we have to set up residency in Macon after Taylor graduates. Amazing! We are all excited about living close to his brother and sister for the first time!

So, now you know where we are going and why. We will get a very small apartment in Macon for when Bobby and I need to be there but for the majority of the time our lives will be in Calhoun. God has even worked out a great house for us to rent. 4 bedrooms and it has a pool and hot tub so the kids (and myself) are very elated! We will not need to put anything into storage due to the overwhelming space in the house!! God has been so incredibly faithful! It really moves me to laughter and excitement when I see Him in the day to day small details! I realized that, so often, we want to be in control of our lives and we truly do not give God the TOTAL control. We wake up on autopilot and go about our day, only seeing God or expecting to see Him when the "Big" circumstances prevent a wreck, to prevent sickness, to stop us from making a life altering decision, but do we really rely on him for  everything...for the small details? To truly not to be anxious about anything, is that the way we conduct ourselves daily on the inside or is it just the "Christian talk" we talk? If someone had x-rayed vision on me since November 19th, I can honestly say that I have lived by faith and have been anxious about nothing. That has not always been the norm for me. But the peace of the Holy Spirit that has blanketed me since that Friday, has remained every day...covering me head-to-toe!  I will say that when I think of the big picture, of moving 3 hours away and packing everything up to have 3 moves in the next 2 years, my heart will flutter and my brain spins slightly and then I breathe and the peace is still there reminding me that God has worked out every little detail so far, why would I think that He has not already worked out the ones ahead of me! He has not brought us this far to let us drown...we might be crazy in our day-to-day lives right now but we are not drowning by any means. you live by faith? Do you truly have it? If you aren't too sure then what is your relationship with Christ based on? Some questions that have just popped up alot around our house lately.

My kids have been amazing! Sallie, my precious, "black soul" Sallie. (read her to blog to understand this one) She says what she feels regardless of the consequences (we are working on that one) and she loves her family and friends Big. She is very loyal to them as well. One day during the Mercer process when we had just finished saying something to the effect..."wouldn't it be nice if this could happen" and then 30 minutes later it miraculously did, she looked at her Daddy and said bluntly, "Are you finally hearing God screaming at you yet?" Sallie is so excited about living close to the Lamb side of the family and watching Taylor and Ben's football games. (Their other cousin Calli will also be there next year.) Although she is thrilled, she also has her moments. Let me explain...Sallie will be living this summer in Gvegas working at Monkees while the rest of us will be in Calhoun. She chose PC because it was close to home. Now her home as she knew it will be 4 hours away. Coming  home yesterday and seeing the house boxed up and her untouched room left her with a sinking feeling that nothing will ever be the same and life is unfair! Once again i asked her...Faith...Do you live by faith? Do you truly have it? If you aren't too sure then what is your relationship with Christ based on?

And then there's Taylor, while he is very excited about the move there is a part of Taylor that is extremely sad. Even though he would never admit it to any Average Joe, Taylor's heart will always be in Greenville...that is until Kit leaves Greenville . Then Taylors heart will go with her! (but to be honest, Kit will be missed by all of us!) Once again I ask...Faith...Do live by faith? Do you truly have it? If you aren't too sure, then what is your relationship with Christ based on?

So once again I ask YOU...FAITH...Do you live by Faith? Do you truly have it? If you aren't too sure, then what is your relationship with Christ based on?